Whenever you make a financial commitment like buying or renting something, you should always be thorough in your research so you get the best value for your hard-earned money. Car hires are no different. We have put together a list of things you should check out before you go for a car hire.
Check out Your Options
Before you decide on which company to go with, it is always best to look around for a while. Do your own research on the internet for the lowest prices and the best deals. Be careful though, because just because a company is offering the cheapest car hire prices doesn’t mean you should go with them. Some companies have hidden costs and it’s best to avoid that.
Check out Your Insurance
This is a bit tricky because sometimes your regular insurance covers car hires, but it is best to check and be 100% sure as accidents may happen at any given time. So, it is best to stay on the safe side even if it costs a bit more. You can’t put a price on peace of mind.
Check out the Paperwork
Before you complete your car hire and sign the documents, you should always read the fine print properly. Actually, just reading the agreements, terms and conditions isn’t enough. You have to understand everything so you are well prepared if something goes wrong.
Check out the Car
You should always check the car you’re about to hire extremely thoroughly. It is a good idea to have your phone handy so you can keep photographic records of anything wrong with the car before you hire it in front of the car hire agent. That way, when you return the car, you won’t be charged for anything you weren’t responsible for. Checking the engine, body and the tires is a common practice.
Here at Surfers Rent A Car, customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We are 100% confident that our cars and our staff will be able to help you with your car hire in a satisfactory manner. We are sure to check all your boxes when it comes to car hires on the Gold Coast.